Microsoft Word documents don't retain file format when duplicated

When trying to duplicate a Microsoft Word document, either by option dragging or by command-D, the file format is frequently not retained. That is, the .docx format in the original becomes RTF in the copy. This isn’t a consistent behavior. Occasionally, the Word document may be duplicated and retain formatting, but I’ve discerned no pattern in the behavior.

Have you perhaps at some point tried editing the .docx file using the DT3 editor? That can lead to strange results. Much better to always open Word files in the native app and do editing there, with a Save back to its original location in DT3. If you do that, subsequent duplication or dragging should work fine.

Duplicating just copies files actually. Could you please check the file extension of the original if this should happen again? Thanks.

Much better to always open Word files in the native app and do editing there, with a Save back to its original location in DT3.

If you mean a Save As, this is not advisable as if leads to orphaned files.
See Help > Documentation > Troubleshooting > Repairing a defective database > Orphaned Files.

No, I Meant Save and NOT Save As - that is why I said to save “back to its original location”