Minor annoyance: DT3 doesn’t support back/forward mouse buttons

The issue

I use a MX Master 3 mouse from Logitech and it has a pair of back/forward buttons that work in Finder, Safari etc. out of the box, i.e. if I navigate down a folder hierarchy and then press the Back button several times, I will navigate up one level at a time. But I found out these buttons don’t work in DEVONthink 3: DT does nothing when either button is pressed.

My solution

My initial guess was the buttons are simply mapped to macOS’ standard convention for back/forward shortcuts, which DT chose not to follow. I searched for Apple’s keyboard shortcuts documentation but didn’t find any keyboard shortcuts for navigating back/forward.
I then referred to DT’s documentation and, using Logitech’s software utility Logitech Options, remapped the back and forward buttons to ⌘ - [ and ⌘ - ] respectively for DT, which easily solves the issue.

My question

My question is: why doesn’t DT response to these buttons as expected but requires a workaround, albeit a trivial one? If possible, I would prefer DT to add native support for MX Master’s back/forward buttons.

Which are the default shortcuts on your system and which system language do you use?

Hello, thanks for the quick response!

I don’t know the default but I’m sure I didn’t change it. I didn’t find anything in Apple’s docs either.

Both DT and macOS’ language preferences are set to English (US).