missing in action: fuzzy search

it was already mentioned in another thread, but the issue is worth a “request” post: The “fuzzy search” option is all but gone from DTPO 2 - please bring it back.

I realize it is still possible to simulate a fuzzy search in the search window (by selecting different spellings) - but this only works for single words.

Fuzzy search was always was one of the main reasons for DT to be considered “intelligent”: Without it, it is much harder to find OCRed pdfs. Even if the ocr works 99,9 % flawless, image to text is still not perfect.

With a growing number of pdfs in my DB, it has become much harder to find the relevant file after the transition to dtpo 2. My impression is that even the see also results suffer from this. Will we see the fuzzy AI again?

This will come back (like I’ve already said in the thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7488&p=36725), probably til the final release of v2.0.

great ! looking forward to the final version.

  • good luck for the last mile!

Thank you so much for bringing it back - for my scrabby pdf mutiverse, it makes such a difference!