"Move To" Issues

When right clicking and selecting “Move To…” I find the following unexpected issues:

  1. The “quick menu” at the top sometimes shows just the folder name. Other entries appear as a nice Folder > Subfolder link. This should probably be consistent (I prefer the latter entries as it is easier to classify things).

  2. When organizing my inbox, I make heavy use of the AI in the “See Also & Classify” window. Often I will right click on an inbox entry, select “Move To…” and choose the destination not realizing the folder in the See Also & Classify window has grabbed focus. The result is the selected See Also & Classify folder getting moved, not the inbox entry, even though the menu appears above the inbox entry.

Although it is sometimes nice to be able to right click the folders in the See Also & Classify menu (I often use Reveal to fine-tune my AI result), I think the Move To issue is unexpected behavior.

That “quick menu” has a section name: “Recent Destinations” and will only show groups to which you recently moved items. Not their subgroups (unless a subgroup was also recently used).

Your other observation about unexpected consequences of clicking “Move to” when the SA&C panel is open and a group selected – good catch. It appears that the general problem is that the contextual menu opened with right-click (but not when opened with control-click) for selected items in the SA&C panel is opening in the wrong location to give a visual clue that we’re not looking at the contextual menu for documents. (These two contextual menus do not have the same commands.) Of course, for now, if a mis-move occurs and you notice it immediately, then command-z will undo it.

Right, let me give an example of what I’m seeing. Assume I have the following folder structure:
Clients > Smith > Emails.

If I move something to “Emails” the Recent Destinations menu will sometimes list “Emails” with a hover-over menu showing the full path: “Clients > Smith > Emails”

Other times, Recent Destinations will show “Clients > Smith > Emails” (the full path).

So the same folder gets displayed inconsistently in Recent Destinations. I haven’t figured out why; it may be a difference in how “Move To…” vs. the auto-classify records the recent destination.

You are correct, if aware of the issue a Cmd-Z fixes it, just wanted devs to be aware as it tripped me up a lot before I realized what was happening. I will use Control-Click for now to avoid this problem, thanks for that tip.

I’ve never seen that path issue with Recent Destinations (in the Move, or Copy, or Replicate submenus). You know just above Recent Destinations is shown the path to the current item, so that you can move something up to higher levels in its hierarchy?

I’ve attached a screen shot showing my Recent Destinations. Some have the full path, others just the end folder name (with the full path in the “hover-over” displayed).


Can you take steps to make this display path happen? IOW, can you replicate the effect and post a “how-to” so others can check it out?

I didn’t notice this topic until now, or I would have responded sooner. I see the same thing that the OP does, and here is where I notice it. If I have multiple groups with the same name i.e ‘Archive’, I see the full path to the group(s). If the group name is unique, then the full path is not displayed. You can test this yourself by creating a group with the same name in 2 databases, move a test document to each group to create the history, then observe the Move To history shows both full paths. Close one of the databases and the Move to now only shows the group name in the database that is still open.

I usually try to give groups unique names. But sometimes there are logical reasons for having groups with the same name, or it happens inadvertently.

That’s why I usually use the Groups & Tags panel (Tools > Groups & Tags) to move selected items to a different location, as I can clearly see the desired group destination in my organization’s hierarchy and so avoid ambiguity based solely on group name. And I find the operation quick and easy.

Just to clarify: I do NOT have any groups of the same name under the same group. i.e. I do not have “Active Files” → Smith → with two Email folders. I have “Active Files” → Smith → Emails and “Active Files” → Jones → Emails.

So Groups & Tags does work well for me as I am able to visually distinguish group hierarchies, and I do use that method, though the AI classification works about 80% of the time so I find "Move to… " is just as fast fill in for the other 20%.

This “Recent Destinations” issue really doesn’t bother me. I just wanted the devs to be aware that it is happening since it does not appear to be the intended behavior (but I could be wrong!)

Further experimentation reveals this:

I clear Recent Destinations.

If I file a document in Group > GroupA using “See Also & Classify” the Recent Destinations menu shows the target group name only (full path in mouse-over). If I then file another document in Group>GroupB using “Move To…”, GroupB’s full path appears in the Recent Destinations menu.

Part of the trick appears to be using BOTH “See Also & Classify” AND “Move To…”

It is elusive. Sometimes I will file things and just the group name appears, then after I file a few more things using “See Also & Classify” suddenly full path names start showing up (which were previously just group names).

It is a strange issue with the combination of “Move To…” and “See Also & Classify”

I do not see exactly what Greg_Jones reports - I will often see multiple groups of the same name without the full path. But I’m wondering if maybe the “See Also and Classify” triggers the expanding of the full paths in the menu differently than “Move To” which is causing the inconsistency?

The full path should be only displayed for multiple groups having the same name. According to the screenshot it seems to be working as expected.

I’m not sure how I got so twisted around :laughing: Now that I look closer this does appear to be the right answer. If I see any different behavior I will snap another screenshot. Thank you for all the help!