Moving a group with replicants to another "target" database deletes the replicants in the original "source" database

There are several posts related to replicants, but I did not find my specific scenario. This is not a bug per se, but I consider it to be not user-friendly, since it can lead to perceived data loss.

Please consider this is a feature request.

Scenario: I have a couple of “active” databases that I use, esp. for projects. In those “active” databases, I replicate items. Occasionally, I consolidate these “active” databases, which involves moving some groups (projects) into an “archive” database. The replicated items move with the group to the “archive” database (as expected). But… those replicated items vanish from the other groups in the “active” databases.

I assume, the technical reason is, that replicates cannot be shared among databases.

What I would like to see is a warning that replicates will be deleted from the “active” databases, ideally with some options like “Cancel”, “Duplicate instead”, “Keep in ‘source’ database and delete from ‘archive’ database”.


That’s correct.