Moving DT & database to another Mac?

I want to move my DevonThink program and database to another Mac – a PowerMac running Tiger OS.

What is the best way to do this? Should I reinstall DevonThink? Then how do I transfer my database? Can I use a firewire cable between the two Macs? Also, I have Carbon Copy Cloner. Thanks.

You just need to copy the DEVONthink application to the other Mac as well as the database. Assuming that you are using DEVONthink Pro: Simply copy the database package. If you’re using DEVONthink Personal: Copy the folder ~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink which contains the actual database. C’est ça.

For the actual transfer you can either put one of the two Macs into FireWire target mode (hold T when restarting) or use file sharing over your local network. The Mac OS X online help should be helpful here.

Thanks, Eric, for the target mode suggestion.

I am using DEVONthink Pro. When you say simply copy the database package, do you mean copy the DT application file from my Applications Folder, or is there a specific database package file somewhere?

Yes, copy the DEVONthink application file from the old Applications folder to the new computer’s Applications folder.

Also copy your database package file(s), which have a suffix of .dtBase. Most users store the database files in their Documents folder.

You will need to register your application again, using the information in your license code email.