I’m moving to a new Mac (needed more storage and RAM). I don’t want to use Migration assistant. (A few strange problems on the current machine that I want to let go of).
Whats the best way to move over? I have mix of full databases (already on dropbox sync) and indexed files (where things are shared with my wife). I also want to move my settings, smart rules etc.
As @chrillek points out, previous posts here as it relates to DEVONthink. There is even, on your copy of DEVONthink in the “Tips & Tricks” section an article entitled “How to Migrate to a New Mac”.
That being said, the “best” way IMHO is Apple’s Migration Assistant. But you don’t want to do that. So the second, third, … best ways is to do it all manually, setup all the permissions, IDs, app installs, and copy files using what software and hardware you have at your disposal.
And, an internet search for “Moving to a New Mac” will bring up a lot of articles, including from Apple.
I actually followed Jim’s instructions for a couple of other apps I wanted to migrate with their data as well and that worked fine (I did it for Alfred and a couple of other apps that I can’t remember right now).