MQNL script: Keep multiple quoted texts, attached short note to each text, and paste quotation link+note with correct link format to markdown and rtf automatically

In the process of refining MQL script I decided to add a feature that might help the user to perform an uninterrupted review by being able to highlight-and-comment continuously.*

I am quite excited about this new feature and think this new version of script deserves to have its own name of MQNL - Mark-Quote-Note-Link.

All basic functions of MQNL are the same as MQL script, except for this one. Please refer to MQL script for the preference setting and functions.

Ther user can add a short note to each block of selected text! :smiley:


When the user selects a block of text and runs MQNL, the script will ask for a short note.

User can disable this feature by changing the preference anytime.

The short note will be paste to the markdown/rich text files together with the quotation link.

The requirements and the contextual actions of MQNL are exactly the same as MQL script.

The script

The script has almost all the features I need. The only possible change is to allow pasting of multiple quotation links. I will post minor updates and bug fixes in the future. Cheers

Paste text+note link for one item at a time. (64.8 KB)
Paste text+note links for one or multiple items. (67.8 KB)

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An updated V1b2 in post#1. Use command-click to select multiple items from MQNL list and paste multiple links at once.

A very minor update v1b3 to add a checkmark to an item with a note attached. (69.9 KB)

When I run the script on a markdown document with no text highlighted, it shows me the 4 most recent items as shown here in the screenshots. But when I click on them all and then on OK, the macbook makes a small noise and when I then paste into my markdown document, only the last of the 4 items is inserted. When I click on just one, anyone, the script works fine.

When testing further, the first item of my list was from the PDF I used before. So in that list of items there were notes from two different PDFs.

What is going wrong here? And how to reset the PDF or the list of items, so only the notes to the very last PDF text are shown?