MSG Files preview works perfect on my iphone but not on my Mac. The files is there on my mac and I can open it with MSG viewer Pro from within Devonthingk and in Finder. I have selected in settings Files/Use Alternative view but the result is the same. How can I see the preview of an msg file on my Mac. As the iphone can do it it should be possible on the Mac. Who can help me?
Only .eml
and .emlx
files are currently supported on the Mac.
Thank you for the fast answer. But that means that I can not use Devonthink for document management.
I also noticed that I can view the email on my iphone but not search for the content. Thats is bad news because for the rest Devonthink is awesome. But I need the emaiks of the project in the Document Management System. I will look for another solution.
In what application? .msg files are not Apple-native.
MSG Viewer Pro on Mac and MSG Viewer Pro 2 on Iphone. That is a great App. But I can also view the email in Devonthink on iPhone
Visibility ≠ searchability.
Can you do a Spotlight search on your Mac or mobile device and locate a .msg file?
Was the a filename or contents-based search? It’s cropped so I can’t tell.
Yes I cropped it because I can not show the customer name. It was a filename search. The content search is not working. The content search only works in Outlook on iPhone. Why do you ask?
Because your initial inquiry was about how .msg files work perfectly your iPhone but not your Mac.
I also noticed that I can view the email on my iphone but not search for the content.
You then later commented how you could see them but not search for them.
Finding something by filename is a simple matter. Finding something by its contents requires indexing or dynamically searching the file’s content, if even feasible. Based on your findings, I would say .msg files are of very limited use on either Mac or Apple mobile.
.msg files are Windows files and equivalent to Apple’s .eml(x) files. Conversion from .msg to .eml would yield much more functionality. And according to Message Viewer Pro’s App Store page…
… though I obviously can’t vouch for the quality or efficiency of such conversions in this app.