My current storage setup with DT and DTTG

As I have mentioned elsewhere, I don’t like to use iCloud for my documents.

But DT and DTTG provide a way to use local (encrypted) storage and sync it to (encrypted) cloud storage.

As DTTG does not (currently) support External Folders, sadly it cannot be used as storage by many App.

But Working Copy can!

My current workaround looks like this:

On my Mac, I have separate file systems for my DT databases, which get indexed by DT.
DT itself syncs to 2 WebDAV locations.

I have one folder in one database initialised as a local git working directory, the git-directory is set to be in a different location (to not have the whole .git stuff part of the DT file system).

I have git upstream set to a separate bare git repository on the Mac.
And then, I cloned this bare repository with Working Copy on my iPads!

This allows to use other Apps like iA Writer, Taio, WMeb and Textastic to use this Working Copy instance as their storage, accessing the same content.

When I changed or added something on the iPad, I just push the changes with Working Copy to the bare repository on my Mac.

On the Mac, a cron job constantly pulls and pushes to the bare repository, which updates the files in the indexed DT folder and has DT updated, and also the remote sync locations.

It would be more easy when DTTG folders could be accessed by other Apps, but until External Folders are supported by DTTG, this is a workaround that helps me to have the same data available on both iPads and Mac!

It just requires some git pushes / pulls to update all of them - automatically on the Mac, manually on the iPads.

Not perfect, but still makes me happy as a solution to drop iCloud from my chain!

Just wanted to share :slight_smile:

Ah, and it works the other way around too:

When I change or update something within DTTG, it will be synced to the WebDAV sync locations, which then will update DT on the Mac, which in turn triggers a git push to the bare repository, so that Working Copy on the iPad can be updated so that this changes also come available to the iPad Apps that use Working Copy as their storage!