Need help in translating menus in French?

Though I hve the last version of DT 3.5.1, French edition, many menu items are not translated into French, especially in the following top-rank menus:

  • Données (Data) : Move to… again should be “Déplacer vers… à nouveau”
  • Format -> Show/Hid Format bar should be “Afficher / Cacher la barre de mise en forme”
  • Outils, Présentation and Aller have many untranslated items
  • Fenêtre -> New tab should be “Nouvel onglet”

I am a native French speaker. I hope the few translations above can help for future updates. I can help with the non-translated other items as in Outils, Présentation and Aller if you send me or place here a list of items to translate.


You’ve done some progress. Almost is now translated.
The first item was not yet corrected however.
There is also:

  • Présentation -> Import should be Présentation -> Importer
  • Données -> Convertir -> to Markdown should be Convertir -> en Markdown, as well as “en” for all other non-translated items (that’s an easy one).
  • Édition -> Insérer -> Item link is a harder one. “Lien à l’objet” would fit.
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Thanks. We’ll look into this.

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