Need Syncing Help

I’m having an incredibly hard time getting Devonthink to Sync properly on my mobile device. It hasn’t synced to my mobile properly in months. I’ve done a lot of re-arranging of files on desktop and none of it has affected mobile.

For context:

  • I’m syncing on iCloud with encryption key on mobile and desktop
  • I recently upgraded the latest versions of both
  • To Fix:
    • I turned off and deleted the iCloud (legacy) location on mobile
    • I turned off iCloud (legacy) on desktop and created a new location on iCloud (CloudKit) instead and uploaded all of my files (took about three hours to upload). Used the same encryption key password as legacy (while crossing my fingers that would be fine).
    • Added iCloud (CloudKit) on mobile and started the sync. Got an error message that items might be missing when uploading. Went ahead with anyway.

In the end, I’m in the same situation I’ve been in for the past year. Devonthink To Go shows its “Downloading Items from iCloud” but nothing is changing. Same amount of files in each group and none of the groups are updating to their new names or locations.

Anybody got some tips for me?

Welcome @Sigma

There are instructions if you had searched the forums or checked our FAQ

Given your steps already taken, I’d delete DEVONthink To Go, reinstall it, set up the CloudKit location, and import the databases. I’d import them one at a time too.

I don’t use iCloud sync, but do use iCloud and iCloud Drive on my devices. That has been a frustrating experience in recent times. My MacBook wouldn’t upload a 15 kB file to iCloud (it just sat there for days with a cloud symbol doing nothing), leading me to look more closely and discover that numerous files weren’t in sync across the devices. That didn’t change until I turned iCloud Drive off and back on, triggering a complete new sync.

Calendar entries sync wonderfully across all devices. Except when they don’t when all you can do is wait for days…

I’m aware your post is about DT rather than Apple; what I’m saying is that, for me at least, the basis offered by Apple is intermittently wobbly and not self-healing.

Please follow @BLUEFROG’s advice - he is much more knowledgeable than I when it comes to DT, CloudKit and sync. If, however, you don’t succeed, consider logging out of and back into your Apple ID on one or all devices.

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Thanks guys. That was all helpful info. It’s sorted :+1:t3:

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You’re welcome :slight_smile: