new bookmarklet

The DT home page ( is always saved when capturing any DT forum page as a Web Archive using the Clip to DEVONthink bookmarklet. And the URL of the captured document is truncated, e.g.:

The bookmarklet worked here. The PDF was downloaded to a database without incident.

eeek - finally understood the concept of the bookmarklet :slight_smile: Cool, but could you add something explaining the global inbox? Users working with one database or something like this could be unable to locate the new global inbox for a while :wink:

Bill - have you figured out a way to do RichText notes with the marklet, or is this on the drawing board? Thanks again for the help…

In Safari, I use the Service to capture as rich text, with keyboard shortcut Command-), or in the DT internal browser the contextual menu option, Capture Note.

Rich text cannot be directly captured from a page in Firefox.

My quick testing of the new bookmarklet is that everything works as advertised and it is quite wonderful. With the new universal inbox this again elevates DEVONthink into downright-awesome territory. Nice work, folks.

Thanks Bill. Am I correct then that the reason the RTF was left out of the bookmarklet is that Rich Text can’t be captured from browsers other than Safari?

I wonder if they could do a separate one for Safari that had the RTF option in it then? Otherwise I love it.

Great, but I can’t find/don’t see that in Safari 4b.

Command-# shortcuts are automatically assigned for items in the Bookmarks Bar.

This is where I’m doing it. In the bookmarks menu, my bookmarks bar has shortcuts assigned to them.

Thank you danzac and sjk. Apparently there is a conflict between command key settings in Safari 4b and the default settings of Dock Spaces, a very useful free program and an Apple employee pick that gives one up to 10 different docks. Replacing the Command key in Dock Spaces settings with another modifier key unblocks the Safari command key functionality you explained. Thanks again.

Not for me.

didn’t work for me either, no idea if the image I pasted will show up but it’s the same error that was shown above

Great tool! Think I found a bug: Wikipedia links with apostrophes seems to break, maybe it is just Wikipedia or maybe it is everywhere with apostrophes, but this page:

does not “clip”, in Firefox 3.0.8

(Btw, Firefox flashes something when pressing the clip shortcut, too fast for me to see, but something/some message is displayed and removed very fast, it’s a little bit unnerving)

The bookmarklet works only for HTML pages as it needs to insert itself into the code of the page. It does not work for PDF files displayed inside a browser window, I am afraid.

Yes, it seems that the apostrophe breaks it in Firefox. It works in Safari. I guess there is little we can do about this if we don’t want to remove the clear-language error message (which uses the apostrophes as string delimiters).

The reason is that rich text cannot be captured from a bookmarklet. A bookmarklet is, technically, HTML inserted into the code of the active page. To generate RTF we would need to access the HTML-to-RTF engine of Mac OS X which is not available from within a web page. Two different worlds: Mac OS X and Cocoa on the outside, HTML and JavaScript on the inside.

Yeah, I much prefer the look of the evernote icon actually being a part of safari, and not a bookmark. I guess the risk of breaking it it isn’t worth the chance. At lease the bookmarklet is more flexible in what you can do with it (more choices).

After reading that the ones in the DMG didn’t work right, I have today downloaded two of the new bookmarklets, “Clip to Devonthink” and “Selection”. “Selection” places the text selection I have highlighted in the current web page into the database. Yes! “Clip to DEVONthink” ignores the selection, and lets me make a note that accompanies the URL, or lets me choose the whole html, etc. These appear to work, but is it the intent to ignore the text selection in the current webpage on this path through teh bookmarklet? For me, maximum utility would let me add my own note to the clipped text/URL combo as I surf merrily along.

True, which is one reason I’ll prefer to use Services shortcuts when available.

Confusion over which capture methods operate on selections (or not) is a subtopic of my unifying capture methods post. Also whether or not URLs (when available) will be retained by captured items using certain methods. Dtech products generally do a good job of retaining what they can; I just wish there was less burden on end users to figure it out by trial and error.