New: Database seems to be already in use -- won't mount

I have a database that won’t mount, as you can see , 1_Projects is missing here:


When I do File > Open Recent: 1_Projects.sparseimage, thusly:


…I may or may not get the usual error: “Database ‘1_Projects.sparseimage’ seems to be already in use!”


I then continue, and while I may get the spinning Macintosh beachball for a few seconds when that stops, it does not mount in my left column.

If I try it again, I don’t get the “already in use” error, but it still does not mount.

Note: it is unusually large: 4.12GB.


Curious thing: this database DOES appear on my iPad and iPhone DEVONthink To Go.

Any help, please?

As has been discussed many times, when you see that message about the database being in use, the common causes are:

  1. After DEVONthink has terminated abnormally (crash or force quit)
  2. When trying to access a database already open by another person (as DEVONthink is ​not ​made for multi-User simultaneous access)​
  3. If you were trying to open multiple copies of the same database, including databases that have the same UUID.
    Note: This condition is caused by copying and renaming a .dtBase2 file in the Finder, and should not be done.

The first is the most common cause.

Quit DEVONthink.
What do you see in the Finder? You should see files with an extension of .dtSparse. If you see files with .sparseimage, you need to change the extension. And make sure DEVONthink is not running when you are checking this.

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Bluefrog, thanks for the reply.

After closing DEVONthink and closing instances of DEVONthinkToGo:

I made a copy in the Mac Finder of “1_Projects.sparseimage” to “1_Projects.dtSparse”.

When I then reopened DEVONthink, I got the pop-up error of:


I clicked on “Rebuild…” and the database has reopened.

It looks like it’s all there, but it appears to be “read-only” if I understand the glyph next to it:


Is there sufficient disk space left on the sparse image?