NO FILE problem


So we are still testing Devonthin Office and we have an issue that we can’t work out.

When one staff member adds a PDF file to her DB and sync, it, seems to sync to the local store OK. I then sync it to my DB and it comes down, but when I try to view the file it states NO FILE.

I have checked the actual file in my DB by going into the folder and drilling down, and I can see it fine. I can even open it.

What causes this problem please?


Where is the local syncStore located?

Are you talking about using the Sync plugin or are you attempting to use Dropbox? (I’m imaging the plugin, but Ihave to ask.)

What OS and version of DEVONthink are you running?


Thanks for the reply.

We are using a Local Sync Store located on our NAS, and we use the Sycn function that is built into the software. This is OK right?

We are all running on OSX 10.9.4 and DVPO 2.7.7


Hi Guys,

Any update on this. It’s a show stopper for us. :frowning:

Please start a Support Ticket. Thanks.