No one at Devon wants to sell me DEVONthink?

Out of frustration, I’m hoping to get the attention of someone at Devon here on the forums regarding a student license for DEVONthink PE. I’ve been emailing since Monday, and haven’t heard back from either sales@devon… or info@devon… Is this kind of delay generally typical for support with this company? Call me crazy, but a four day turnaround to respond to an email seems extreme.

All I want to know is, how much is a student license for DT PE, how much will the upgrade to Pro be, and what coupon code do I enter in the checkout? I’m ready to buy - I just need the student coupon code. I emailed copies of my student ID to both the above addresses this week - if you need another, please email me… [edit: email address removed]

Sorry to be a troll about this, but I’ve got dissertation-critical documents in DT that I can’t get to - I left DT running overnight and burned up my demo time unexpectedly.



Sorry for the delay but most of us are currently on vacation (but things should be as usual next week).

A student license costs $35, an upgrade to DT Pro is priced at $35 (not yet decided if an educational upgrade will be cheaper, maybe $30).

And finally - I’ve just sent you a demo license valid for 30 days.

This is just my personal view … DEVONThink is so damn inexpensive for what it is and does and the work that’s gone into it that I think it’s something of a cheek to even ask for a student discount.

This application is every bit as useful and capable as Quark Xpress, Photoshop or Illustrator for what they do and ultimately, in my view, will be able to justify a similar investment, if not more.

Whether you’re a student or not, DT is just small change for what it is and does. Just get on and BUY IT without giving it another thought … and revel in its incredible value for months and years to come.

And if you haven’t already discovered it by reading the many messages in this forum, you’ll hardly find another developer out there who is more responsive than Christian.


Thanks very much for the reply. I wondered if it was something like that. I appreciate the extended demo license, as well. How do I go about purchasing DT at the student price? As I said, I’d love to do so immediately.

This is just MY personal view, but telling me that I’m being “cheek”-y for asking for information about an offer Devon Technologies advertised (educational pricing) seems a bit. . . well, cheeky. The only reason I asked about educational pricing was this, from the lower right hand side of the main DEVONthink page:
“[ATTENTION, STUDENTS!] If you’re a student with a valid student’s ID: We offer educational discounts for many of our products. Just e-mail us for more information (and don’t forget to include a scanned copy of your student’s ID).E-mail us to apply for student discount.”
(Quoted from … erview.php)

I can see by your intensely emotional response and avatar tag line that you’re a fan of the company, and the software. I’m very impressed with DT; that’s why I’m going to buy it.

My advice? Take a deep breath, think about it, and maybe even do a little research before flaming someone you don’t know for asking a question. They could be a jerk/idiot/etc. . . but chances are, they’re not.

You’re quite right. Apologies! I admit I hadn’t remembered the reference to student discounts. I just think DT is such spectacular value that it’s already a giveaway at the price. I hope you get as much from it as I do. Now I’ll go and eat humble pie!


I just downloaded DT yesterday and have been giving it a try. Maybe I haven’t gone far enough but I can’t see where, when I import a bunch of photos from my camera to sort out, where I can just rotate some to make them all in the visually correct position. Must I do this before putting them into DT?



This is currently not possible, DT Pro 1.9 will include (among others) scripts to rotate images/thumbnails (e.g. Landscape-to-Portrait) and DT PE/Pro 2.0 will provide the possibility to rotate the display of images.