No 'see also' for unindexed online content

why is it that online content that i am browsing in devonthink pro does not get a properly working ‘see also’? am i doing something wrong? i tried both regular websites and PDFs. basically just clicking on links i found on my indexed content.

If the online content is not indexed, what would you expect to happen? (I apologize if that sounds snarky, bit it’s a legitimate question.)

I’d expect it to index the contents of the page on the fly, show “See Also” but then remove the page from the index when you leave the page.

Precisely how that happens, I’m not interested in.

I believe DEVONagent does what you’re looking for.

It does not.

edit: screenshot attached.

It does. Click on the ‘magic hat’ icon to invoke See Also.

bill, thats the blank area to the right of the PDF …

Load an HTML page, not a PDF.

that helps me how?

is there at least a way in DTPO to show if an unindexed pdf is already in the db?

Search for that PDF to see if it already exists.

Or do what I would probably do, to save time (assuming you want that PDF in a database). Capture the PDF to DEVONthink. If the new capture turns out to be a duplicate, it was already present and the extra copy can be deleted.

Or do what I would probably do, to save time (assuming you want that PDF in a database). Capture the PDF to DEVONthink. If the new capture turns out to be a duplicate, it was already present and the extra copy can be deleted.

how do you do that in a time-efficient manner?

I’ve submitted an RFE for see also for unindexed content.

Bosie, you might also submit one specifically for finding duplicates of PDFs you are browsing.

I don’t worry about an occasional duplicate. If at some point I discover that I’ve pulled down an extra copy of a document, I’ll check to make sure that the one I select for deletion doesn’t have an Annotation note (i.e., there’s no link to a note in the navigation bar), then delete it.

Even though my research database contains more than 30,000 documents, my judgement as to whether I’ve already got a copy of a document is usually quite good. If I’m in doubt, I capture the document. No big deal if it turns out to be a duplicate.

The odds are that new content that duplicates a previously captured document will go into the same database as the earlier captured document. If I really wanted to check after a session of grabbing new stuff for that database, I could create a smart group that has three criteria:
Date Added is Today
Kind is Any Document
Instance is Duplicate

Open the smart group. Delete content, if any. Empty database Trash. Done.

Hmm. thanks for the answer.