no trouble, question about PDF + text


I am evaluating the OCR option in the Office version. So far it works surprisingly well even with transcriptions of non-European languages.

Still, they are not perfect, so I wonder whether and how it is possible to get rid of the text somehow if necessary – better OCR capabilities in the future, results too bad anyway etc.

I just want to make sure that there is no need for me to keep the original scan.



It is easy to remove the text from a pdf using Adobe Acrobat Pro. You “Scan Document” and then select “Hidden text” and remove it. I don’t know how to remove the scanned text without using Acrobat. It would seem easy for Devon-Think or PDFPen to add this feature, but I don’t think they have them.



Thanks for your reply. So there is a solution for my problem, though buying Acrobat Pro should be no option for me.

So, is keeping the original scan in addition still the only solution?

Thanks for any idea,



I have read on this forum that DevonThink can re-scan your document so that the old text is erased and new scanned text is put in its place. I am having problems with OCR on my computer, so I can’t test this. However, I imagine that the effort to keep two copies of every document would not be worth it. I mean, if the OCR is faulty, you can just ignore it, and re-scan in the future if software gets better.



that would be the solution. Thanks!
