What ever I need done!
But to make it more substantial. DT is a document management program and referencing documents from other apps reduces the need to duplicate files all over your devices. But referencing a document without error requires a UUID and there appears to be no way that a UUID can be used by Shortcuts, unless it was first copied to the clipboard.
For example: if I create an OmniFocus task related to a document, I prefer to do so with a Shortcut. The reason is that GTD discipline prescribes for tasks to be ‘do-able’ and therefore contain a verb. “Invoice 123456’ is not a task, it’s a document title. ‘Pay invoice 123456 before March 1st’ is a task.
Let’s say I have a document called ‘Invoice DTTG3’ that requires payment to DevonTechnologies. I then first store that invoice in DTTG and use a shortcut called ‘Due payment’ or something alike to create an OmniFocus task that is called ‘Pay invoice ’ and substitute the with the document title.The Shortcut then asks me what the due date for the payment is and who is the recipient, and it groups it in a project called ‘due payments’. If I copied the UUID to the clipboard beforehand, the URL-scheme with the UUID is added in a similar way that the standard ‘Add to omniffocus’ share sheet action does.
The latter seems somewhat redundant and annoying, as a URL can be added to the information passed into Shortcuts. Using the ‘retrieve URL’ action would then allow for the URL to be used in the Shortcut. I use the ‘retrieve text’ action to add the text from a OCR’d PDF as well by the way, but I usually look at the original invoice in DT to be sure the information is correct.