Number of items in Group when listed in Favs different to when listed in DB

I have a database computer (What an original name for a database!) and the database’s Inbox group contains 93 items. This is shown as the Item count of the group inside the database:

Inbox in DB_Screen Shot 2022-12-06 at 12.29.15

So far, so good, so expected.However when I view the same group as part of my Favourites I get no count (or only the Unread count):
Inbox in Favs_Screen Shot 2022-12-06 at 12.29.03

Why’s that and how can I unify the display?

Only the number of unread items is shown currently, this can’t be customized currently.

Does this mean the same group when viewed in its DB shows a different count to when it is viewed under Favourites?

Does this mean the same group when viewed in its DB shows a different count to when it is viewed under Favourites?

Isn’t that exactly what your screen captures show? :wink:

Yes, it does. But it appears to me as pretty weird… What is the logic behind it?

No requests so far and a less cluttered sidebar.

Ok, still surprises me when I think about it, but it is what it is… :slight_smile:

The Favorites are seen as a triaging or quick access point. Quickly seeing the number of unread items in a favorited location follows the philosophy of showing, “Hey, there are some items you may have missed in this location!” instead of “I will always show you how many items are in this location.” One is seen as merely informational (total count all the time), the other actionable (unread items).


Wow. Great explanation. Makes total sense. – Jim at his best!

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