OCR and Indexed pdf files

When I OCR indexed pdf files to searchable pdf files Devonthink creates a copy with the filename extension -1 after original filename. This copy is only visible in the original indexed folder. Is there a way of having devonthink replace/overwrite the pdf instead of making a copy? I have tried to check “Move to trash” after conversion in the OCR preferences, but this seems not to work with indexed files.

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How do you actually perform OCR? On demand via Data > OCR or automatically via smart rules or after scanning?

On via Data > OCR

That is the anticipated behavior when doing OCR on an indexed file.

If you use a smart rule with an OCR > Apply action, you should be able to avoid that behavior as the action doesn’t produce a new file. It processes the current file in place.

@cgrunenberg: I’m not sure if there’s a technological stumbling block but would it be possible to make the Apply command an option in the Data > OCR menu as well?

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That is not what I am getting. I am using OCR->searchable pdf smart rule. But, DT is creating a new file with -1 suffixed on the new searchable pdf files.

That’s the wrong action, you have to use OCR >Apply (see Jim’s quote).

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I see. I was worried that the “apply” will do some other kind of conversion. Thank you for the clarification.
Doing the OCR in place is really useful; doesn’t mess up the link of files with other applications such as Bookends.

Only if it’s an image and not yet a PDF document.

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