I’m new to DevonThink so please bare with me. I’ve imported a bunch of documents and had DevonThink OCR all the pdf files - amazing! Now I realize I have a few jpeg scans that I’d like OCRed too. I can’t find an easy way to do that though…
I’ve tried using the menu option File -> Import -> Images (with OCR), but that takes me to the file menu, so I need to find the file that’s already in the database. It works, but it’s really painful.
It seems like this should be an obvious option in the right-click menu to me, but perhaps I did something wrong that got me out of a normal flow?
Sorry, missed that. I do not want them to be images but converted to pdf.
I can see that under OCR > Convert them to searchable pdf and I am wondering if this can be done under DTTG or if not can it be automated in DT3 to pdf.
This is how I do it in DEVONthink 3.8.4. There are surely other ways that may suit you better. See the outstanding “DEVONthink Handbook” to learn about Smart Rules.
You can use Convert > to Searchable PDF in the contextual menu of DEVONthink To Go when you long-press a file or the organize menu - the encircled ellipsis icon.