OCR to replace original


I’d love to have the option that “OCR to searchable PDF” replaces the original item.

Use case: sometimes I already have taken reading notes / excerpts from a PDF and they point to it through wikilinks / URL field. And then I realized that the PDF textflow is crappy and I want to re-OCR.

Hope it’s clear enough.

If you use Wikilinks, it’s a question of naming the PDF, I think. But if you use an x-devonthink-item link … not possible. Those use unique IDs, which are not recycled.

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As a workaround, you can swap the data of the PDF files using a script.

-- This is a demonstrator. You need to modify this script for it to work.
tell application id "DNtp"
	set newData to (data of OCRedPDF)
	set (data of oldPDF) to newData
end tell

You could create a smart rule with the condition Kind is PDF and the action OCR > Apply. Then either drag & drop your PDFs onto the smart rule or use Tools > Apply Rules > …

@cgrunenberg, to be sure: “OCR > Apply” in a smart rule does replace original and “Data > OCR to searchable PDF” does not?

Data > OCR > to searchable PDF is identical to the smart rule action OCR > to searchable PDF, both create a new document.

Ok, so there’s no way to “OCR in place”, except for going the applescript way and replacing data.

See above, just use the OCR > Apply smart rule action.