Offline Archive of RSS Feed Content

Can someone please help me figure out what the best way is to automatically create an offline archive of all items in a particular RSS feed?

I am trying to create an offline archive of my Google Reader Starred Items feed. I’ve asked about this before, but never heard back from anyone to help me figure it out…

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated… Thanks!

Add the RSS feed as “feed” to DEVONthink 2.0. All downloaded articles are there to stay and will not autmatically get deleted unless you tell DEVONthink so (there will be an RSS preferences panel in the next beta).

Does the RSS feed automatically update or does it take the RSS feed as a snapshot of what is currently in the feed and archive this material?

I still have problems with my Delicious feed. I can import my delicious feed, but it won’t keep adding to it after the import.

Any suggestions? Thanks and looking forward to the next beta. Thanks for all your work with this new upgrade. Its great!
