Oo3 documents in DTP

I was just trying to see what happens if omnioutliner documents are brought directly into DTP. It seems to work very well.
But I cannot then select the contents of those documents (for copying/pasting) without opening the documents in omnioutliner.
I think this might be something to do with the quicklook system (though maybe its something else).
Fortunately the documents are searchable, and opening them in omnioutliner is very easy, so it’s not a big deal.

The question is, however, whether there is an easy way to make the text selectable (without converting the document first to rtf, or pdf or whatever).
I imagine not, but I thought it worth asking.



Click on the ‘Text’ icon in the little navigation bar just above the view of the OO3 document. You will then see a rich text view and can select text and copy it to the clipboard.

It appears to give a plain text view (no italics) and no spacing whatsoever, but for short documents that will do nicely.

For longer documents, I can open the notes in Oo3.

