Open databases in Mac Devonthink not matching iphone Devonthink listed open databases

I have four databases open in Devonthink on my Mac. When I sync my Mac to my iphone Devonthink, there is still one database not listed. Even when opening/closing the databases on my Mac there is no simultaneous matching on my iphone during sync.
Is matching open databases not possible between two DevonThink apps not possible?
It occurred to me that the app does not match the closed databases on the two platforms, is that the case?

You didn’t indicate your sync method
For iCloud (Cloudkit), I had to specifically identify the databases available for sync

I’m using Local sync between the Macbook and the iphone.

Have you read the chapter on syncing in the manual?

I’m not certain but from the way I’m interpreting your comment there are two misunderstandings here:

  1. Syncing doesn’t sync “actions” between devices. If you open a database on the parent device, the database doesn’t open on the child devices. That isn’t how sync works. I’m not sure you actually mean that though because on DTTG there isn’t a mechanic to close databases, not like on Mac. So I’m not sure what you mean here but I’m guessing you mean a database you want to sync isn’t visible in DTTG (I.e. it’s not synced).
  2. Local sync uses a sync store to sync between two (or more) devices. Depending on the size of the databases you want to sync, it will take a while for the sync store to be created and it will take a while for the data to then be synced to the child device. Have you allowed long enough for this to happen? It could be hours if it’s a huge database (10s of GB), and on DTTG it can’t run in the background due to limitations on iOS. This is only an issue during set-up - once your first sync is completed it’s only changes that will be synced which is generally much quicker.