Pages outline template as DTPO template

Is it possible to have a Pages Outline Template show up in the DTPO menu Data>New from Template?

Any document can be used as a starting point for a template. There are a couple of options. In both, you first create the document (say, in Pages) organized the way you want as a starting point. Then —

First option - save it to ~/Library/Application Support/DEVOthink Pro 2/Templates.noindex/[Something], where “[Something]” is a folder you’ve created to keep your personal templates. Creating that folder is not needed, but helps keep things tidy and separate from the built-in templates in case a future release of DEVONthink would overwrite your custom templates.

Second option - if the document you want to use as a starting-point template is already in DEVONthink then select File > Export > As Template… which opens a Finder browser window at ~/Library/Application Support/DEVOthink Pro 2/Templates.noindex. Proceed as for option one.

The two options get to the same end point. You might want to restart DEVONthink to ensure your new template is now loaded into the Data > New from Template menu. If you created a personal-templates folder then that new folder will now be a submenu of “New from Template”.

Thank you Korm, just what I need. Cheers.

See also