PDF: Attempting highlight on the same line causes problems

Thank you. But it this happens on every PDF, and alos on newer versions of MacOS that a had on another machine that is broken right now.

Thanks for the file! Apart from the usability highlighting seems to work as expected. Which problems did you experience and what exactly is necessary to make this happen?

I am having the same problem. If I highlight a section of text, I cannot highlight on the same line or even the line below without the first highlight erasing.

Here is an example:
First highlight
Screen Shot 41

Now I highlight the line just below and the first highlight disappears
Screen Shot 42

This is happening on most of my PDFs. My OSX is 11.2.3 and DT is 3.6.3. The PDF I used above is available here.

We are working on modifications for the next release. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Thanks for the PDF, the next release will improve this.