PDF + Text. Scan with OCR

Is there an app that I can use to scan documents and make directly text searchable in DTTG?


If you search for “scan ocr” in the App Store you’ll see a number of apps that scan, convert the scan to OCR, and share that OCRd PDF to DEVONthink to Go. I prefer Scanbot, but Scanner Pro, PDF Pen+, TextGrabber, and many others, are good options.

Thanks korm,
A lot of choices :wink:
I just don’t be sure that all works fine with Devonthink to go. I think Scanbot is the one looks better for me too.

Any application that offers a share sheet will work with DEVONthink, and that’s true of almost all of them. That way you can get the scan OUT of the scanning app! OCR quality will vary but the mainstream scanning apps seem pretty close in my experience.

Korm likes Scanbot, I’m in the Scanner Pro camp. Both are great options.

Yes – Scanner Pro does have great one-click workflow options for saving PDFs to DEVONthink to Go and other apps. It’s also part of the Readle family so it plays well with Documents and other essential apps.

(Looks like I might be convincing myself to foresake Scanbot :confused: )

I bet for Scanbot finally as the interface looks better :smiley:
Finally I will need to buy PDF Expert too as I want to have some contract and other things to edit on the go to reuse. Working with a iPad pro as professional mobile solution is all an adventure!! lol

I have found that the Prizmo scanning app might have a slight advantage in reference to their OCR layer. Since I’m OCD I love that prizmo gives you the ability of correcting the OCR layer prior to sending via the share sheet.

With that being said Prismo does not allow a Workflow Action say Scanbot or Scanner Pro