PDFs do not import.

I am using Dt Personal on a MBP 2.16/1GB RAM/40GBs of free disk space. Now PDFs won’t import. They just show up in the log as “Failed”.

Any ideas?

You’ve probably reached the limitation of the Personal edition, see http://www.devon-technologies.com/products/devonthink/comparison.html

I wish. :frowning: I just started a new database.

Another possibility is that you’re using a buggy haxie like ShapeShifter breaking the communication between DT and a background task. Unfortunately Unsanity doesn’t respond.

That is a possibility, indeed. Will uninstall SS. Thanks.

Ah… DT Bliss. Many thanks!

Is it the application in general or just that some themes happen to interfere with DT? Please oh please tell me that I don’t have to leave my skinned goodness.

I removed Unsanities haxies to eliminate a variety of “issues”, despite their insistence that they don’t cause problems.

Try UNO, if you want a nice, unified theme for OS X. It doesn’t use a haxie.

I haven’t had issues since using it.

This is probably just wishful thinking but will disabling APE/shapeshifter for dtp do the trick or is the problem with that haxie more wide-spread than that?

Sorry, Jose, I’m afraid that’s wishful thinking.

I know that it can be fun to play with the appearance of the operating system. Unfortunately, that seems to have unintended consequences, so I keep my OS in stock condition.

Don’t suppose that only DT Pro is affected by that haxie. I looked at many sources a couple of months or so ago and found a number of instances in which other apps were affected.

Sometimes fun and work just aren’t compatible. :slight_smile: