Please help with advice on Devonthink workflow

I would definitely use placeholders for citations. I would also be very careful about making sure that Zotero and / Bookends can handle the specific citation requirements you department requires. Legal citations are not the same as MLA/APA/Chicago.

The latest episode on the Devonthink for Historians YouTube channel, “Adding and Organizing Archival Documents in DEVONthink”, discusses ways to use Bookends and Devonthink in concert.

For example, the presenter shows using a template in Devonthink to create a record for Bookends. A script, which I think is part of the material they sell, imports the record into Bookends.

what is the benefit of having your email archived in DT versus just having them in the

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My use of email apps is to send/receive emails
My use of DT is to store/organize my data; including emails

With the email in DT, I can assign tags as appropriate
For example
. due-date for actionable items
. budget category and amount for receipts
. project tag if email relates to a project

You can do most of your work in Devonthink. There is no need for outside apps. I work with documents, write research notes, write papers, etc, with DT. DT is getting better and better. The only app that I use to complement DT is Paperpile, used to add bibliographic references to my rtf documents.