Please support „open in place“ - PLEASE

Hi DT2Go Team,

I recently updated to the newest version of GoodReader and realized I‘m able to open my Keynote, Pages, Numbers, Word, Excel and PowerPoint files there directly in the corresponding App - WITHOUT the need to „open in…“, WITHOUT creating a duplicate, WITHOUT the need to use the Files app, etc.

Please, please, implement this finally in DT2Go - this would be such a HUGE improvement.
I‘d pay an In App purchase if needed - no problem, please do it :slight_smile:

Thank you very much in advance,



I’ve already asked for this ages ago:

…and I was told it’s on their list! The only workaround at the moment is to used the Files app integration since Open in Place works there fine.

hm, very less response about that - seems I’m the minority looking for such a feature :open_mouth:

The request is noted but we have a list of things we need to accomplish. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

“open in” would really be great because it would allow you to search the DTTG database through Files app

Just ALL people want and need this feature!

Using the Files app cannot help, as you cannot search your documents into Files App!
You need the regular DTTG search and the “open in” support for the found search results.

But development seems… stalled



+1 I need to integrate with many apps… and doing the way it is now is painful…

Another vote for proper open in integration



Welcome @scrooks

I’ll divide your vote by 1000. :stuck_out_tongue:

@BLUEFROG Please divide my vote by zero!!

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Cannot. Compute.
Approaching. Infinity.

garghhhhhhh!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Also would love to see this? Without the divide by zero error…


We’re working on it but we’re still struggling at a rough edges.


is this still on your future feature list?

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