PopClip extension for "Set Name As"

I made stupidly simple and yet very useful PopClip extension. It changes the name of the document you are viewing with the text you selected in it.

I spent a lot of time figuring out how to do this. I’m sharing it so you don’t have to.

Just select the following code and click “Install Extension Set Name As” in PopClip.

name: Set Name As
key combo: command control I
required apps: [com.devon-technologies.think3]

Very nice! I have been a huge fan of PopClip (and have spoken to Nick on more than one occasion – super nice guy!). This is a really nice little extension specifically for the DEVONthink crowd :heart: :slight_smile:


Excellent! Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you! It works great. I use this command often, so it’s a great help.

Regarding follow-up questions:

  • In the PopClip menu, would it be possible to replace the extension name with an icon?
  • How can the extension be modified to include other menu actions, such as “copy web source link”? I have no coding knowledge, so I am unsure how to accomplish this. Nonetheless, it would be tremendously helpful.

Read this…


Thank you, Jim!

I didn’t think I would manage, but I actually did it! The following extension will handle the “Copy with Source Link” in Devonthink. You can install it in the same way as mentioned above. Also, feel free to change the name to your preference.

This is actually quite fun!

I haven’t yet figured out how to use an icon instead of a name. Do you have any hints or suggestions?

name: C+SL 
key combo: command control c 
required apps: [com.devon-technologies.think3]
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You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Nick Moore, the PopClip developer has done some really amazing work to make creating extensions easier for non-programmers.

You need to add an icon: line as discussed here…

Here’s a nice one from Apple’s awesome (but not small) SF Symbols


This is using…

icon: symbol:link.badge.plus

Bear in mind the key combo needs to match the application’s shortcut. The default for Edit > Copy Item Link is Control-Option-Command-C.


Thanks again, Jim!
Also, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I forgot that I had changed the default shortcut for “Edit > Copy Item Link” to command-control-c for other reasons. Therefore, in the provided code, please modify this if necessary.

You’re welcome.
We can let the thread stand as-is, as it should hopefully encourage others to continue reading the thread for even more details. :slight_smile:

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I will definitely download this! Bravo and thank you for sharing

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