Printing sidebar / folder structure

Hi. Is there a way to print folder structure or sidebar of DEVONthink? File, Print would print the main pane but also list all files which will have too much details. Would like to print folder structure of 1 of my database which has a really long list of groups and subgroups. Print screen doesn’t work as list is longer than screen. Any advice how to print out folder structure or sidebar? Thanks

This script copies the group structure of the whole database or only the structure of a selected group.

Note: This script takes the selection of the sidebar, not what you‘ve selected in the document list.


@pete31, you always come to our rescue with amazing scripts. Thanks!

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This :point_up: was written by @cgrunenberg

Ah, but you also wrote a script previously to solve 1 of my issue. Thanks @cgrunenberg for this one :grinning:


@cgrunenberg, the generated list sorted by creation/modified date? Is there a way to sort alphabetically? List of folders on sidebar and main screen both alphabetically sorted but list generated is by creation/modification date.

The script doesn’t sort the items, it uses the internal order of the items (see Unsorted sorting).

Ahh, ok need to look around for another alternative.