Pro v. Pro Office - differential performance?

Hey there–I wonder about any performance penalties associated with Pro Office? Among its several exclusive features, only the OCR is sometimes useful to me. For this reason, I wonder if I could enjoy a less resource-intensive, generally ‘lighter’ DEVONthink experience using the Pro version for daily tasks and only running Pro Office when need be.

Is this a worthy concern? Besides interesting anecdotal remarks, I hope to get some sort of more-official word, too, please. Thank you!

EDIT: P.S.: Sorry to post this here, though the ‘editions’ sub-forum seems a bit slow and I hope to get eyes onto this thread!

Usually the performance is the same, maybe DEVONthink Pro starts slightly faster as less plugins have to be loaded.

I doubt that you would notice the difference in responsiveness when running DT Pro versus DT Pro Office. So there’s no advantage in having both applications installed in your Applications folder.

But there’s a downside to having both applications in your Applications folder. This can cause confusion for OS X Services, as well as for scripts and applications that attempt to send data to a database. So we generally recommend against this.