problem importing Excel sheet


I am trying to import an Excel sheet (Office 2004) into DT Pro. Somehow the data of the several columns in the Excel sheet do not get separated into different columns in the DT sheet.


1937-37;18-sep-37;6;Meldungen - oysshtelung;;SBO - J;SU;;MU
1937-38;20-sep-37;2;Familiecommittee;;SBO - J;SU;;
1937-38;20-sep-37;2;Vrijwilliger Bernard gestorven;Kutner;SBO - J;VO;;

This is all in column A in a single record. However, data after each ; needs to go in separate columns. Also several rows end up in one record.

I am a newbie so maybe overlooking something here. Anyway, help much appreciated.


I don’t got no truck with excel and can’t advise exactly. Try saving your excel spreadsheet as a tab-delimited file with a .tsv file extension. Then drag and drop it into DT.


please send the file (or an example demonstrating the problem) to cgrunenberg - at - and I will check this. Thank you!

Thanks for the response. But i think i just managed to solve the problem: importing the Excel sheet as a csv-file did not work but saving as tab-delimited and importing as tab-file did!

I found this by searching on the forum, sorry, should have checked it out better before asking…


Hmmm… DT Pro should be able to import CSV files as well.