Problem importing PDFs from Safari into DTTG

On iPad/iPhone I open a pdf file in Safari. Now I want to import it into DTTG. I use the “share” functionality of iOS and pick DEVONthink as app. Then the “Clip to DEVONthink” dialogue opens, but I cannot choose to import the file as PDF, the only possibilites are as link, web archive or markdown file.

If I use “share” in other apps (e.g. PDF Expert), again the “Clip to DEVONthink” dialogue appears, but this time the file is saved in PDF.

What am I doing wrong?


What is the url for the pdf file that you are trying to import,1415,0

FYI is no PDF at that URL (at least for me when I tried)

I get an access denied message, however from the url I can see why the Capture PDF option is not available. I will look into fixing this for the next update.


Here is another example:

Looks like a good URL. In fact, the capture pdf is available, but in my inbox I only get the URL.

If you hold the DTTG icon in the share sheet then you can select “open in” rather than “share with” - that should work.

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Reopening this, since this has reappeared for me in iOS 16 - just to confirm this is already being addressed. Thank you.

On a related note, is there a different way people are using to import PDFs into their DTTG on the go that I am missing? At the moment, I drop my files into a cloud folder and then import them on my desktop but this is not very convenient. Thank you!


I usually use the iOS “Share” to drop PDFs and Markdowns into DEVONthink ToGo.

If Safari insists to send an unusable URL (and URLs is the only thing it shares) you can share the PDF to the Files app and put it directly into DEVONthink To Go. It’s integrated as a virtual file system and so usable from any app that supports the Files app’s mechanisms.


Great suggestion, hadn’t thought of it, thanks!

You’re welcome!

Reopening this in a slightly different context. I got so used to being able to store files to a DT database directly (iOS via Files app) that I have been wanting to do this on my Mac as well. Is there a way? Extensions only provide a way store a file in the Global Inbox. Thanks!

Me, I sometimes, when I know where I want it to go, “drag-and-drop” from the Safari URL window to the target Group in DEVONthink.

This is clever, I did not know one could do that. BUT, it only seems to copy the URL and not store the respective file. The context menu of the URL entry provides a way to grab the file, though. Still more work than on iOS.

Are you referring to browser extensions?

No, the systemwide extension on Mac OS (“Add to Devonthink 3” - literal translation from German, might vary)

Those don’t force you to use the Global Inbox. The destination for such operations is governed by DEVONthink’s Settings > Files > Import > Destination.

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… which lets you “choose (the) group” you want to import to. Thanks! Wasn’t aware of this setting!