Problems synching databases to new iPad

I’ve just bought a new iPad and installed DTG on it.

I’m trying to synch the iPad with the Databases on my Mac Mini via iCloud but I’m continually getting error messages telling me there’s an invalid encryption key despite the password being (a) correct and (b) the same on both devices.

Any thoughts/advice on why I can’t see my files on the iPad?

Thanks a lot in advance

Off hand, nothing comes to mind but to “clean” and do the setup again exactly at the instructions say.

Meantime, do you need internet synching? Bonjour works faster and more reliable. Avoids debugging unreliable Apple iCloud services.

And how have you determined the password (actually an encryption key, and no, they’re not the same thing) is correct?

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Ah - I’m guessing if I said I had typed it in the same on both devices, I’d be talking about the password. Because that’s what I’ve done

The “DEVONthink Manual” (same content as in Help) gives Sync Troubleshooting suggestions. From what I read above, if it were me, I’d “clean” the setup and configure again. Meantime give Bonjour a try–more reliable and quicker than Apple’s iCloud anyway.


Apologies for the delay in getting to work on this, but it seems to have done the trick. Sync now seems to be working. Thank you to you both for your time and help!

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No worries. There are always bigger fish to fry :slight_smile: