qNote2: take and save note in DT from anywhere, capture web URL, append selected text and fenced code block, capture screen, set reminder and calendar event

I changed my system to US date-time format to test the script. It seems that for US time zone, the script needs to use 12 hr AM/PM format. I have changed this newer version of script to US date-time format e.g. 5/29/2020 08:30 AM. Remember to copy your uuids back to the script. Hope it’ll work this time.

qNoteV4b7.1 (US).scpt.zip (59.0 KB)

P.S. If you want to use the earlier version, the only changes are these two lines:

set iniEventDateTime to do shell script "date  '+%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p'" -- US date-time format
set iniDateInTitle to do shell script "date  '+%A, %d %b %Y at %I:%M %p'" -- title being shown in the dialog