Question about Indexing folders

I currently have a genealogy database setup with a folder structure. If I were to export that folder structure to iCloud and index it, would there be any issues?

Would Time Machine still back it up?

Pros and cons to this?

First and most important question: Why? What problem are you hoping to fix?

Have you read and understood about indexing in the “DEVONthink Manual”, In & Out chapter? That’s a very important place to start.

Re if TimeMachine backups up iCloud, search Google for “does timemachine backup icloud” for some advice

Okay, I’ll dig a little deeper, I’d planned to anyway, I just thought someone might point out some obvious reason to not go this route.

I just like the idea of having those files backed up in the cloud.

I hope you are not misunderstanding me. There are indeed issues to think about and the biggies are discussed in the “DEVONthink Manual”. Also important to know the “why” to know if doing it fixes any problem.

If the “why” is ensure that the files are backed up “in the cloud” then why not keep the files inside DEVONthink, make archive backups, and put those backups “in the cloud”?

I prefer not to put backups into a sync service like iCloud since if there is a flaw on either or both the “cloud” server, or my local computer … poof, the flaw is synced to the other. Not reliable in my view.

I take DEVONthink’s Archive backup of all the open files (they provide a script) and save to an external drive. That drive is backed up to Backblaze “offsite”. BackBlaze is not a sync service. Other methods and services exist to get backups “offsite”.

I have lots of backups, and probably too many. A good way to design a backup regime is to use the 3-2-1 approach which is also explained at articles found by searching Google for “3-2-1 backup methodology”.

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I have 4 backups, but for my genealogy documents, they’re only in the cloud in my genealogy program… which I suppose is probably good enough. I will dig deeper, indexing files is just something I recently considered and haven’t researched yet.

I have been sharing my Facebook group for MacFamilyTree, the various ways I use DT as a compliment for it, and the question about file duplication popped up.

but for my genealogy documents, they’re only in the cloud in my genealogy program…

If you mean they are only in the cloud, I would advise against this. What happens when your network goes down or the remote servers are unresponsive? This happens more frequently than people think. If possible. Can you clarify?


MacFamilyTree has the same records stored within its database that I keep in DT. MFT syncs to iCloud.

My DT databases are synced with another computer, backd up automatically via Time Machine, and the archives housed on another drive.

And, as MacFamily tree stores the databases and backups made from within that app in a subfolder of ~/Library/Containers your data and backups are backed up by TimeMachine unless you exclude that folder tree. I use their sync service, CloudTree to sync to other machines. Synced files are not where the data is stored, nor a backup. See the MacFamily Tree Menu: Settings → Tab: Databases to where your stuff is locally stored.

As the MacFamily Tree database is really only readable by the app, IMHO I don’t think you should be indexing these files into DEVONthink as I can’t think of any purpose.


I wasn’t intending on indexing the MFT files, my though was to move the files out of DT into iCloud and index them there, but I think I’ll leave well enough alone, it’s worked great for years this way.

I’m aware of the database location of MFT, but I also keep my tree synced via iCloud, and a copy of it is on their cloud tree.

You are doing it differently than me–I store the MacFamilyTree files into the default local file system and do not use iCloud at all. So I guess you have the MacFamilyTree files located in the iCloud sync folder. And you use CloudTree to sync–I’m not sure if it’s a sync file or the data, so check the documentation I guess.

Just to make sure about the iCloud files, if you have turned on “storage optimisation” on your Mac or “store in icloud” as “on” … then your MacFamilyTree files may not be backed up by TimeMachine since Apple sometimes will remove files to “help” you save space. I may be barking up the wrong tree here, but if I were you and you want Timemachine to backup these files, I would check these settings and check past TimeMachine backups to see that the iCloud folder are indeed available all the time and are backed up.

At this point we are off topic for DEVONthink and you keeping “files” (I’m not sure what they are as you haven’t said) inside DEVONthink and not indexed is probably the best.


As per your posts, my genealogy files are stored in both Devonthink and Mac Family Tree
Yes, the files are duplicated - not ideal, but not a problem
In fact, the duplication/redundancy serves as backup

My data is backed up (both Devonthink and MFT)
locally using TimeMachine
and “in the cloud” using Arq Premium

No need for the setup complications of iCloud and indexing folders


Agreed. I think I’m going to continue just as I am. It works beautifully and I like knowing I have backups. My DT files have been the ones I can consistently, easily find again should I have issues, switch genealogy software, whatever :).

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