Why devontechnologies.com/ at a mobile device e.g. iPhone does not show the menu “users”, but only on desktop devices?
I recommended a student to have a look at the website to see how DT3 would match his requirements as a student. But he pointed out to me that there is no such menu item.
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I see same. Until DEVONtechnologies folks resolve it, perhaps you can recommend the student rotate the iPhone 90degrees and it will then be available now rather than waiting.
There are many sites that present things differently in landscape than in portrait on small-ish iPhones.
We have intentionally hidden some items when the view is too narrow, like on an iPhone in portrait orientation. The alternative would be to replace the top menu with a hamburger menu in this case but as most visits to our website happen to be from something slightly larger, like an iPad or desktop computer, we opted for the simpler and still elegant solution.
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