Recommendations for Cloud Backup besides Arq

Arq is taking 25BG on my computer, and their customer service does not seem to be too keen on helping me understand why so much space and how to delete the unnecessary files.

Can you please recommend other cloud backup services that work well with DT3?

Just backup of main disk(s)? Backblaze. Or then export DT3 databases to iCloud daily with the .99/month for 50G space. I use both.


Have you automated the export of DT3 databases to iCloud? If yes, could please let me know how?

I’m old-school, doing it by hand.

I have done this by using Chronosync to copy DT3 databases periodically to a local Dropbox folder.

to copy DT3 databases periodically to a local Dropbox folder.

Are you referring to exported ZIP Files of the databases or copies of the databases themselves?

I have tried it both ways and it seems to work either way.

Are you perhaps going to say that since a dtBase2 file is a package Dropbox does not sync it correctly?

Correct. You should never put a DEVONthink database in a cloud-synced folder or you could irreparably damage it.

I understand those concerns regarding never placing an active database file in a cloud-synced folder; you have made that very clear over the years.

Can you please clarify how/why that is also a risk for a non-currently-opened backup copy of a database file? I gather you are saying it is a risk to put even a closed .dtBase2 file in a synced Dropbox folder, but it is OK to do so if the same file is converted to .zip ? Why?

Yes, that’s what I’m saying and I will always err on the side of safety with users’ data.

A ZIP file is not the same thing as the decompressed file. They are two completely different things. A ZIP is a singular file. Our databases are packages.

OK - can you use Arq or Backblaze to back up a database package file?

And if I want to use Dropbox for cloud backups, I presume that means I could create a scheduled copy of the .dtBase2 file to an interim local folder using Chronosync, then have Hazel identifiy those new backup files and convert them to .zip and move them to a Dropbox folder?

Arq allows for it (as our company president uses it). Backblaze, I think but can’t say for sure.

I presume that means I could create a scheduled copy of the .dtBase2 file to an interim local folder using Chronosync, then have Hazel identifiy those new backup files and convert them to .zip and move them to a Dropbox folder?

You can export a ZIP via File > Export Database Archive or Script menu > Export > Daily Backup Archive.

But that is not all that easy to automate, especially with multiple open databases. I am also not sure if it is possible to continue using DT3 while that happens in the background.

For a totally automated and background backup to cloud process involving multiple databases, is it acceptable to use Chronosync to copy the active .dtBase2 files to a local folder, then have Hazel or some other automation software .zip those .dtBase2 files and copy the .zip files to a Dropbox folder?

With very little alterations the script to backup a database as a ZIP file can be activated by a Reminder or a Smart Rule. While DEVONthink is zipping (and before that optimizing) the database you get the spinning beachball. For how long depends on the size of the database(s).

While this is a proper way of backing up to any kind of drive or cloud service it is not very handy for using it at short intervals. A fixed time every day when you normally have finished your work or before you start it or maybe in the lunch break could be a solution if you are satisfied with daily ZIP backups.

Thanks - but let’s assume I want an automated solution that works in the background so I can run backups several times a day with no concern about impacting users of the database. (Particularly given that I staff who access the web server from home, sometimes in another time zone, it is hard to pick a reliable time when nobody is using the database. Plus I really would prefer to back things up during the day and not risk losing an entire day’s work.)

If I backup .dtBase2 files every 6 hours with Chronosync to a local interim folder, then I have Hazel or another automation process .zip those files and move the .zip files to Dropbox, will that work to reliably and automatically back up my database to the cloud?

Having an automated time-based backup with zip to location feature in DT3 would be good. Just now the automation is me and my fingers.

I would advise against what you’re proposing. Every time you create a database archive, it has to back up the entire database. Doing that multiple times a day would not be performant, especially as databases get larger.

Using the database archive is best used on a less frequent basis, perhaps weekly, while utilizing a proper primary backup, like Time Machine, Arq, etc. to deal with incremental backups.

If zip files are not safe, why are they even an option in DT3?
Also, what is a safe cloud backup of DT3 databases besides Arq?

Which of these options from Backblaze is safest?