Regular sync problems

I’ve got DTTG on my iPad and iPhone. Today, I couldn’t get it to sync with either, so I uninstalled DTTG from each device, and re-installed. I can now sync with my iPad, but it will not sync with the iPhone. When I hit sync, it recognizes the name of my computer, and when I select that computer I get the following message:

“Connection problem: The connection with the computer reported a problem. Please check your network connection and try again.” I re-botted the iPhone and then I was able to sync.

This has happened several times. I positively DREAD trying to sync either device with DTTG, as it more often than not doesn’t work.

Please fix this. I really like DT, but if the sync problems keep occurring, I’m going to have to switch back to MacJournal.

We’re doing our best to fix syncing issues as they come up. Unfortunately, there are some issues that we won’t be able to fully resolve until we have our sync code in place.

It sounds like the problems you’re experiencing are related to Bonjour or another component of the network (which happen to be some of the most difficult to troubleshoot, sadly).

When you select the computer, does the error appear right away?

I’ve seen this error occur when the computer name is tapped twice before the connection between the device and the computer is established. Since there isn’t any indication that this is happening, users have a tendency to tap the computer name again. This causes this error (we’re not completely certain why yet, but are looking into it).

If you are tapping the computer name twice, I would suggest tapping it once and giving it some time to establish the connection (even as long as a minute).

In the meantime, we’ll be looking into it to see what we can do.

I had not had any problems with sync. But tonight, when I started sync, the files which have already been copied from my Mac to my iPad started to be copied again. Weird.

I let the “re-sync” complete in case it will sort things out but now the size of the folders on my iPad are doubled even if I don’t see any duplicate files.

Do the sizes match the sizes reported in DEVONthink/DEVONnote? Are the sizes on the files correct?

The answer to both questions is yes.

In fact since I had to swap my iPad due to a dead pixel issue I started everything from scratch and everything seems fine now.