Reminders shortcut

I was interested in the recent blog post about the shortcut to Reminders in the share menu. Unfortunately, I cannot get this to operate. I followed the instructions in the blog but the shortcut does not activate the reminders app.

Any ideas. Thanks, John

What is selected on DEVONthink To Go?

A pdf file.

And did you allow access when the shortcut prompted you? There should have been more than one prompt.

I was using the share option while the file was in list window but not open using the long press to activate the dialogue box. I have now opened the file and then used the share option in the menu above and this time it worked.

Once I activated it on that occasion it is now working in either option.

This works marvelously. What a great shortcut. Thank you so much. Regards, John

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IOS 17 has introduced some buggy behavior in Shortcuts. It could be affecting running from the Share sheet. Ugh, Apple…

And thanks for the nice feedback :heart::smiling_face:

PS: So you were calling the Share menu from the contextual menu? If so, perhaps there’s something in DTTG we need to look at.

I am using iOS 17.0.2 with DEVONthink ToGo 3.7.5. When I have a document open I press the share button (square with up arrow) nothing happens. When I press the three dots icon, then that share button, works as expected.

Thanks for the details!

That is correct, Jim.

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