Reorganise database DGTT to DT on mac, how?

Stil not as sure how to get it right. Pls help.

I have DGTT on my iPad, and DT on my mac. I got DGTT first; and now trying DT on mac. So some databases are created with my DGTT, while some with DT. I read that, using DT is better for back-up. So, i like to reorganise the workflow with DGTT and DT. I’m a bit stuck about the debases’ original location.

I want all databases in DT, while DTTG to retrieve the document as needed. It also allows me to have flexibility to sync databases that needed to be on my iPad DTTG. I assume it’s a better way to hold the document (right concept?) How can I move the database location from DTTG to DT? if I delete the database on DTTG, it will delete the document on the DT on my mac?

for the database I created on DT. If I don’t sync it (with iCloud), will the document still on my mac, and the copies on iCloud will be removed? or I need to delete the iCloud copy? at the end of the day, I want all document to be on my mac, and I would back up with time machine. the cloud sync is for me to access with DTTG. So, am it doing the right thing to move all the bases with DT?

last question, if i don’t use DT anyway, how can I move all the document stored in DT back in my normal Apple file folder? I still don’t figure out, where are the documents actually filed.

sorry for a lot of questions, which may be elementary; but i am still on a learning curve of it, despite owning DTTG for quite a long while.

You have fundamental misunderstandings of the situation leading you to overcomplicated ideas.

  1. You’re not going to move the database from DEVONthink To Go into DEVONthink. Each device has its own copy of the database.
  2. No, deleting a database on one device will not delete the database on another. See answer 1 again.
  3. Sync is always optional. There is no need to sync any database from any device. So if you don’t sync DEVONthink on the Mac, it logically has no effect on what DEVONthink To Go is (or isn’t) syncing.
  4. Your documents are not stored in iCloud. Sync data is not your documents, e.g., you can’t go into iCloud Drive and pull a PDF from the sync data. The documents are in your databases on your devices.
  5. “if i don’t use DT anyway, how can I move all the document stored in DT back in my normal Apple file folder?” This is very unclear what you’re asking.

PS: This is all covered in many places, including the built-in Help and manual and Help > Tutorials > Understanding Sync.

Also see this forum post…


ok, thanks for the response. I try to understand. I swear that I did read the manual, and browsed topics on the forum to get an answer. It didn’t really help, pretty unfortunate. The manual book is not as useful to explain the basic concept to be honest. I am checking with the Help>tutorials>understanding Sycn, hope it offers better help.

Re my last question, i mean, now, my documents are stored/organised with the databases with DTTG and DT. if one day, I decided to switch, what should I do to get all the documents back, say put them back (as individual pdf, images, etc) into a folder/location in my mac FILES, etc. that is my question, i hope it is clear.

re your statement, that each devin has its own copy of the database. i understand this, but if I add 1 new pdf in DTTG, when it sync, the new PDF will also be in the same database in DT. I would assume the same, if I remove 1 doc in the DTTG database, after it sync, the database ‘content’ will align. No?

No worries! The whole concept of sync and how to do it is very simple. A very common problem people have is coming into it with expectations and assumptions about how it’s supposed to work.

if one day, I decided to switch, what should I do to get all the documents back, say put them back (as individual pdf, images, etc) into a folder/location in my mac FILES, etc. that is my question, i hope it is clear.

Yes, that’s more clear. In DEVONthink, you can select items in the database and choose File > Export > Files and Folders, exporting to a new folder in the Finder to help keep them from mixing in with other items in the selected location.

Also, you can long-press a database in DEVONthink To Go, and choose Export to Files. This will create a ZIP file containing the groups and documents from the database.

re your statement, that each devin has its own copy of the database. i understand this, but if I add 1 new pdf in DTTG, when it sync, the new PDF will also be in the same database in DT. I would assume the same, if I remove 1 doc in the DTTG database, after it sync, the database ‘content’ will align. No?

Yes, that is correct. Sync tries to keep the syncing database in the same state on all the syncing devices.

thanks for the prompt response. Re the last qtn, if the two database align, if I delete the database in DTTG, after it sync, will it affect the same database in DT?

In the sync store, there are some previous databases that I used to sync before. but i no long er sync them, so it’s turned off. if i want to clear them out from the sync store, does i need to use ‘clean’ (the swipe options) in the list?

You’re welcome.

Re the last qtn, if the two database align, if I delete the database in DTTG, after it sync, will it affect the same database in DT?

No. As mentioned, the devices are independent. If you have a copy of a book and I have a copy of the same book, and you throw yours in the trash… what happens to my book? Exactly nothing.

In the sync store, there are some previous databases that I used to sync before. but i no long er sync them, does i need to use ‘clean’ (the swipe options) in the list?

Yes, you can clean out unwanted sync data via a left-swipe on them in the sync location in DEVONthink To Go. However, if DEVONthink is syncing its copy of the same database(s), they would reappear when it’s finished syncing.

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