Replicate are not auto downloaded when Download files = Always

I have set the Download files for my Sync Store and Database to On Demand. Within the Database, I have set a Group to be Always. The Group has mainly Replicate. They are not auto downloaded. Need to click Download to download them. Those that are not Replicate, including Duplicate, are all auto downloaded.

Is it possible to have the Replicate auto downloaded base on the Group’s Download files setting?

Just to explore: does the auto-download of other groups work for documents that are not replicates but are only present in said group?

Yes, for another group that I set Download files to Always. The items (not replicates) inside the group are all auto-downloaded.

For this group, which are primarily replicates (a rare few are not), the replicates are not auto-downloaded. The non-replicates are auto-downloaded.

Thank you for the assessment. Noted as a bug.

Thanks. Looking forward to the fix soon.

Just noting I can’t reproduce the behavior here.

Are you syncing the database to more than one sync location, e.g., Bonjour and Dropbox?

No. The database has only one sync location: Dropbox.

You can easily reproduce the problem. Set the Download files for the Sync Store and Database to On Demand . Within the Database, set a Group to be Always. You can test to see all the files are auto downloaded first. Then, you create a Replicate in the Group. The Replicate will not be auto-downloaded.

I tried that with another Webdav Sync Store and another database and another Group. Exactly, same behaviour.

I already did that and cannot reproduce the issue here. On DEVONthink To Go’s databases screen, select ? > Contact Us to start a support ticket.

Thank you for investigating. We have reproduced the behavior (replicating into the group was the key factor here) and the issue will be fixed in the next maintenance release.