Resize "Date Modified" column in 3-pane view?

I’m using the GTDthink database (can’t remember who created it, but I’m working towards becoming the next GTD addict), and its view is set to 3-pane.

The upper right-hand pane that lists documents has a “Date Modified” column. The column isn’t wide enough, and the dates are being cut off at the right edge. I’ve tried everything I know to make the column wider, and can’t. I get a sizing arrow if I hover over the left margin of the column, but moving that only makes the left column (Document Title) narrower. I don’t get a sizing arrow at all when I hover over the right edge of the Date Modified column.

This has occurred for me in both DT 1.2 and the current 1.3b2.

How can I make the column wider so I can see the whole date/time modified?


It might be a relict of an earlier bug using too narrow columns. Therefore you might try deleting the preferences (com.devon-technologies.thinkpro.plist) and launch DT Pro afterwards.

If that shouldn’t fix the problem - do you use a customized font for list views (see Preferences > General)?

I just started using DT Personal and am also unable to resize certain columns in the list and 2 pane horizontal views. I can resize the Name, URL, and Comments columns but not the Modified or Kind columns.

Thus, dates in the Modified column have the seconds and AM/PM indicator truncated and in the Kind column “Web Archive” appears as “Web Ar…”. I tried trashing the DT Personal plist but that didn’t help.

That’s exactly the experience I’m having.

And also, no, I don’t have any custom fonts set (I haven’t gotten far enough to start doing things like that yet :wink: )

The kind column of the next release will be wider. But which short data and which time format do you use? See System Preferences > International.

Just improved the automatic sizing of the creation/modification columns.

Excellent, thank you, Christian!