Resize Pictures in RTF Notes?

I use a lot of pictures in my notes that I copy from papers etc.
When pasting these into RTF notes however, they always show up huge, which is great if I want to use them elsewhere (like in a presentation) but not so cool in terms of readability of the note. Is there a way to reduce the display size of an inline image in an RTF note? Or maybe another note format is better for this use case? I tried it with different types but I can’t seem to make it work in any format.

There are hidden preferences in DEVONthink’s built-in Help. Check Help > Preferences > and the link in the second paragraph.

And this in specific: x-devonthink://preference?key=ShouldScaleAttachedImages&value=yes

Thanks for your prompt answer.
Unfortunately I don’t see a Preferences link under Help.
Are you referring to this menu?

Thanks! I didn’t find it the way you described it but used your answer as a basis for my own search and make it work through the terminal using

$  defaults write com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2 ShouldScaleAttachedImages -bool True

Found it in the the manual on page 106.

Glad you found it. I was referring to the built in Help > DEVONthink Pro Office Help