Restoring Devonthink 3 on freshly formatted Macbook

I recently did a nuke and pave on my Macbook (macOS v14.3.1 ) to get rid a many years of “cruft” from in-place operating system upgrades. I just got to Devonthink 3 and am curious what the steps are and the order I should do them in,

Currently, I restored the ~/Databases folder and have downloaded the Devonthink 3(DT3) Pro application.

Do I simply install and register the the DT3 , and all is well? or is there more to the process?

Update - it looks like I need to restore more than just ~/Databases . I know apps often store settings and support files underneath ~/Library , so I might need to locate and restore DT3 specific files from there as well.

~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink3