Maybe it’s just me being dense …
My query is
(vollmer NEAR sprenger) AND (management OR leadership OR führung OR business OR menschen)
First ranked result contains only the term “business”.
What am I not getting?
Maybe it’s just me being dense …
My query is
(vollmer NEAR sprenger) AND (management OR leadership OR führung OR business OR menschen)
First ranked result contains only the term “business”.
What am I not getting?
What’s the URL of this result and which search set or plugin did you use?
Search set: Customized Web (Deeper) with
Result URL:
If you specify a secondary query, then this query is used to match the pages whereas the primary query is only used to start the search.
Thanks Christian!
I see. Still makes me wonder: In my view, a result containing only a terms from the parenthesized OR clause is no valid result in the forst place.
For reference:
Because most search engines don’t support NEAR, you through the other clause at them?
When I am trying to understand how Agent works here, I would have thought that X NEAR Y would be translated to X AND Y or at least +X +Y.
Then again, given the dismal support for proper search in today’s search engines, does Agent flatten the whole query to somethink like:
I understand you have to work with what you get from Google and Co. But is there not a better way to optimize this?
Thanks & sorry
Did you remove or change the secondary query? Otherwise the primary query and all its operators don’t matter.
Sorry Christian, I believe I stated my issue in a confusing way. Please let me rephrase.
(vollmer NEAR sprenger) AND (management OR leadership OR führung OR business OR menschen)
The result contains the page
The page contains only the terms management and business.
And this strikes me as odd.
PS. The secondary query I used earlier was -warenkorb, which does match the page since it does not contain the term warenkorb - so that’s fine.
A screenshot of the Search window showing the “Settings” tab would be useful so that both the primary and secondary query are visible. Because…
…specifying a secondary query -warenkorb means that all pages not containing warenkorb are accepted - the primary query doesn’t matter.
Weird. I just used the same settings but the website isn’t accepted. Then I created a new search set, set the above primary query and added the website to the “Sites” tab. And once again the page isn’t returned as expected.
Could you save a search via File > Save As…, zip the saved search and send it to cgrunenberg - at - Thanks in advance! Finally, which version do you use?
Thanks Christian!
Might take me until Thursday